Tuesday, April 22, 2014

My Inner Zebra

Well, hello.  Welcome.  Let me begin with an introduction.  An introduction to me and my journey. I'm a wife, mother, full-time worker, a cook, a housekeeper, a friend, a daughter, and very tired.

I'm a 28-year old mom to 2 wonderful little kiddos.  I have a 2.5 year old boy who I'll be calling "Little Man" on the blog.  I also have a 3 month old daughter, who I'll call "Little Lady."  I love these kids (and their dad) more than there are words.  So, I'm going to start by giving my body a little pat on the back - it did an exceptional job growing and birthing those two little miracles.  But, it's retained some (okay, a lot) of weight from those journeys and it's time to get it under control.

I'm no stranger to weight loss.  I was explaining to the hub, that since my senior year of high school I have gained and lost at least 20 pounds 5 times.  I know how to lose weight, but this time around I also need to gain something: the confidence and strength to keep it off. I'm so tired of the yo-yo and I want to be healthy and vibrant for my kids - so the trend stops here.  I've got about 45 pounds to lose, one pound at a time.

Okay, I know what you are thinking - what's with the Zebra?  I remember going to the zoo with my mom one year and we were discussing our favorite animals.  Her response caught me off guard when she said, "I like the Zebra.  I mean look at the way they wear horizontal stripes across their bums! Such confidence."

Since that day, the Zebra has been a symbol of confidence to me.  At the end of this journey I'm not going to look like a supermodel - but that's okay.  I'm going to be me, just an improved me.  And, baby, I'm going to flaunt it.  So, join me on this journey of weight loss, self discovery, parenthood, and learning to love my stripes.

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