Monday, October 6, 2014

Pep Talk

Source: Barnorama
Hi. So, it's been 6 months since this blog was born and I wrote this post. This is the inherent problem with weight loss blogs for normal people, you know, when you aren't doing so good at the weight loss thing, you hide from the blog. You don't have much constructive to say or share other than man, you have you guys tasted the pumpkin spice Oreos yet? Because they are amazing. I ate the whole package last night... and that, of course, sounds like is pretty much failure. So, how do you blog when you're failing?

Having said that, I've had a little bit of an epiphany. And with that, I expect that I'm back for a good long while. The epiphany came in the unlikeliest of places. Potty training. Seriously.

I'd been putting off potty training my son. He'll be three in November and he's a pretty big kid. It was time to be done changing his diaper. Moreover, the cost of diapers for two kids was just getting to be too much. But, I'd been putting it off.

What if he's not ready? But I'm so tired - I haven't had a full night's sleep in over 8 months; I can't handle potty tantrums. We've got a trip coming up. All these thoughts and excuses filled my head. And then one day it hit me, like a slap, You can do this. All the excuses and delay tactics were doing were convincing me that he and I couldn't do it. I've made the mistake of underestimating Little Man before when we were taking away the pacifier. I didn't think he was ready - but he was. I was holding him back by assuming. And now, I was holding us both back by putting off potty training.

And, as you can guess, that's been pretty much the same situation for my weight loss situation the last five months. There's been no shortage of excuses. And, to be honest, they're pretty legitimate. Between motherhood, full-time employment, cleaning, cooking, and church obligations, I'm busy and exhausted. But, more importantly, I can do this. 

I need to do this. Since my last post on this blog 5 months ago I have gained back every pound I'd lost. And I can't afford to keep going that direction. So, I'm done underestimating myself and have started anew. Mama from a few weeks ago is forgiven and forgotten and new Mama is just getting started.

I bought a quote to sit with me at my desk in my office area and it says this: "Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken." It makes me laugh, but also reminds me that life is short and it's up to me to be the person I want to be. And I also need to be my biggest fan and cheerleader. So, that starts today.

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